Table of Analyzed Counties for Figure 2 (“Straight Talk from ex-CDC for the Long Slog Ahead”)

2 min readSep 2, 2021


Quantitative background data for counties included, excluded, or otherwise managed for analysis in the new FIGURE 2 (“Public Health vs. Divisive Politics”), added on July 8, 2021 to “Straight Talk from ex-CDC for the Long Slog Ahead”, originally published May 3, 2020 in, with figures updated every three days since. [Link for free, direct, future access to this ANALYZED DATA TABLE.] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CLICK TABLE FOR INCREASED SIZE AND LEGIBILITY. High-resolution figure download.]


  • * Voting Majority calculations exclude 3rd-party candidates in denominators .
  • Total currently analyzed county doses given, populations, numbers of counties, and vote counts may change from prior interval(s) if current county dose data is missing, or previously non-reporting counties subsequently begin or resume reporting.
  • On 2021–12–11, the New York Times reported a CDC footnote which acknowledged that an unknown proportion of administered “booster” doses may instead be counted incorrectly as “first doses” because of the inability to link individuals receiving subsequent doses at differing sites than for their primary-series dose(s). Thus, the percentages illustrated in Figure 2 may be artifactually higher than they really are for first doses. This is an example of the “dirty data” (see essay) with which epidemiologists must work, attributable to the nation’s haphazard and disorganized system accurately to monitor vaccination coverage, resulting from our federal structure, the 10th Amendment, and libertarian gubernaphobia. Nevertheless, differing trends between each voting majority remain informative.
  • Counties include U.S. Census Bureau equivalents of parishes in Louisiana (LA), and administrative jurisdictions in Alaska (AK).
  • Alaska (AK) and Hawaii (HI) count as one “catch-all county” each for allocation to one corresponding single voting-majority stratum.
  • Alaska’s 40 voting-district boundaries do not conform to its administrative jurisdictions for which population and vaccine doses are reported.
  • Hawaii does not report doses separately for each of its four counties.
  • Texas (TX) is analyzed as one “catch-all county” through 2021–08–15 for lack of available county dose data. Subsequently, its 254 counties are analyzed individually (see FIGURE 2 caption for details of the sources).
  • See further explanation and data sources in Figure 2 caption at




Written by Bgweniger

Bruce G. Weniger, MD, MPH and Chin-Yih Ou, PhD are medical epidemiologist and research-laboratory specialist, respectively; both retired from CDC.

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